The Importance Of Eating Healthy Food
Eating healthy food is one of the things that many people today across the globe are desiring and beginning to do. This has many great benefits for your body. When one eats well, they are, in essence also increasing their life span. For instance, if your diet consists of mostly fast food, sugary drinks and junk food, you are most likely to suffer from obesity and the negative health effects that come along with it. These include heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and even stroke. These are just but a few of the conditions that you can suffer from when you have an unhealthy eating lifestyle. These are also the very same things that can cause someone's life span to be shortened.
Eating the right kinds of foods also aids in boosting and improving your mood! Did you know that eating a healthy breakfast can set you up for a good day ahead. Also, protein rich foods have been known to improve your alertness as well as keep those hunger pangs at bay. Avoid eating foods that are too high in sugar as they will cause a rapid spike in your blood sugar level which can have an undesired effect on your mood. So what is healthy eating you may wonder? In summary, it is eating a well-balanced diet filled with variety from each food group.
You may time and again indulge in those favorite foods such as your cheeseburger, but do it in moderation and don't stuff yourself with it/ them. Healthy food has amazing nutritional benefits for our bodies. It also helps to keep certain ailments away. For instance, you will not suffer from muscle cramps and fatigue when you eat foods rich in potassium and iron such as bananas and other fruits and vegetables. Let you diet consist more of fruits and vegetables, unrefined, whole grain foods (the carbs), protein and dairy products.
Importance of Eating Healthy For Kids
Children are the best imitators ever! As you may already know, they learn mostly from what we do and not what we say only. This applies to every area of our lives, from our behaviors to even our eating patterns. The foods that we love and the foods that we dislike will probably be what they love and dislike too. The way we prepare our meals and our attitude towards food will also greatly influence the way they shall also prepare their own meals and their attitude towards food as they grow older. This therefore means that we need to set the right example for the children.
Force feeding a child to eat all their food is also not such a good idea. Experts in this field have said that this may cause a child to grow up having a negative attitude towards foods. A better approach would be to educate our children about nutrition as they grow. Explain to them the importance of eating healthy food. Get them involved and let them develop a natural interest for healthy foods. Also, Try and create a comfortable, fun and loving environment during meal times.
The importance of eating healthy food for kids should never be under estimated. With the prevalence of issues such as type 2 diabetes which is a risk factor of childhood obesity, we need to set our children on the right path when it comes to food. When children are eating healthy in their childhood, they won't find it difficult to continue doing so in their adulthood. Healthy children will mean healthy adults in the future and healthy adults will mean healthy nations! We need to rub on the right kind of healthy eating habits to our children. If we have a negative attitude towards food, it's most likely that our children will too. They will only copy what they see, you are after all, a role model to them.
The way children perform at school and everywhere else they may go is highly dependant on their eating habits. Research has shown that children who ate a healthy breakfast (which may include whole grain cereals) performed much better than those who didn't. It further discovered these children would also have a better concentration span when compared to those who didn't have breakfast. Having said this, one should see and understand the importance of eating healthy for kids.
Another reason why healthy eating for children is important is for the simple reason that it helps children to grow up healthy and strong. If your children are lacking in some essential minerals, vitamins and nutrients, they may become malnourished or may suffer from from mineral deficiency conditions. One example is anemia which is an iron deficiency condition. As is obvious, children are still growing and their bodies are still developing. Iron deficiency also slows down their growth and development. Therefore it's important that children eat healthy as it will enable their bodies to develop in a healthy manner.
In summary, this is why the importance of healthy eating for children should not be overlooked:
Importance of Eating Healthy During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a special time in a woman's life. Another life is forming on the inside of you. Therefore, you should eat healthy in order to promote the good health and development of your baby. So it would be true to also say that the importance of eating healthy during pregnancy must not be underestimated.
As your baby is developing there are certain minerals, nutrients and vitamins that it needs to grow and develop properly in a healthy manner. When you eat healthy during pregnancy and you're supplying your baby with the vitamins, nutrients and minerals that it needs you avoid certain problems. These can be birth defects such as spina bifida or brain defects. You may learn more about healthy eating during pregnancy by following the link.
Importance of Eating Healthy and Exercising
Healthy eating alone is not enough when you want to lead a well-balanced eating healthy lifestyle. In as much as it is good, you also need to exercise in order to keep your heart healthy and to maintain a healthy weight. Eating healthy without exercising can be likened to going to the bank and withdrawing only half of the money that you're supposed to withdraw. You may enjoy part of that money but had you withdrawn all of it you would have more benefits and more to enjoy it on. So although your body may gain great benefits from your eating healthy, it would be even better and greater benefits for you when you exercise.
How to eat healthy can be a challenging thing, especially when you don't know how or where to start.
However, things such as the food pyramid diagram and My Plate can help you to get started. They give you a guide as to how much from each food group you're advised to have. This way, you will know where the common, most favored things such as fast food, junk food and soda pops fall.As well as how much of them you're to have.
However, as we mentioned earlier, when you embark on a healthy eating lifestyle, it doesn't necessarily mean that you cannot once in a while indulge in those "unhealthy" favorite foods. This is where exercising comes in. It would be good to burn those calories as they come in. Moderation is an important aspect to be mentioned here as well.
For a lot of people, the word exercise may put them off or scare them away. But this should not be the case. You will find that in most of the things that you do, you will actually be exercising. For instance, when you're vacuuming your house, washing your car and doing house chores, you will be burning some calories. Should you want to go the route of a proper scheduled exercising routine, it is advised by dieticians and health experts to at least do so for 30 minutes a day. Now that's not too long! If you wish, you could go to a gym and do a workout routine. Or you could just walk briskly, swim, jog, run or workout in your home for at least 30 minutes. All these examples, especially swimming is a great cardiac workout.
So by eating healthy and exercising, not only can you lose weight and maintain a healthy weight (if that's your goal) but you will also be keeping your heart healthy and in tip-top shape. In a nutshell, this would be the summary of the importance of eating healthy and exercising.